Lesson Four Materials

Expected Learning Outcome

Content Knowledge

  • Socio-economic-political issues are very important to climate science and geoengineering decisions.
  • Climate change is a complex issue with no single answer.
  • How could climate engineering fit into the overall landscape of ways to address climate change.


  • Students will practice applying their knowledge about climate change and climate engineering to formulate and defend the positions of their (fictional) countries.
  • Students will practice the skill of negotiation under complex situations.


MS-ESS3-4 Earth and Human Activity. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth's systems.

HS-ESS3-1 Earth and Human Activity. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate have influenced human activity.

HS-ESS3-5 Earth and Human Activity. Analyze geoscience data and the results from global climate models to make an evidence-based forecast of the current rate of global or regional climate change and associated future impacts to Earth systems.

HS-ETS1-1 Engineering Design. Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.

HS-ETS1-3 Engineering Design. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.